Second Semester Parent Communication Options

Dear Meredith Parents and Caregivers,

While we place high value on consistent communication, there are two ways to intentionally connect with teachers during the second semester.

  • Each grade level will host a virtual (Microsoft Teams) meeting where teachers will communicate general curriculum updates, upcoming activities, and how to best support your student at home. You will receive communication soon from your child’s teacher with details about time, date, and a link to attend the meeting.
  • Optional 15-minute virtual individual conferences. Available for families who want a designated time to discuss their child’s academic progress. Request a virtual conference here before February 9.

Please know we encourage you to contact us any time. While conferences are often thought of as an “event,” they are not always timely. If you have questions about connecting with a specific teacher, please send that teacher an email. Your engagement is always welcome.

In Partnership, Meredith Staff

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